Think tank

communication consultancy that specialises in content strategies, copywriting and information design

Lazy language, sloppy service?

Do correct spelling and grammar (still) matter? Is it bad to mix your metaphors like an old dog learning new tricks while trying to reinvent the wheel to show you weren’t born yesterday? After all, people who seem pedantic about language are generally not that popular. We all like to joke about and roll our … Read More

Creating content that captivates your audience

In our fast-paced digital world, grabbing and keeping the attention of your target audience is harder than ever – and therefore, more important than ever. With so much content in circulation across a wide array of platforms, how do you ensure that your article, post or research abstract is the one people choose to read? … Read More

The power of effective planning

Setting clear and achievable goals is vital to success, whether in a business or personal context. After all, how else would you know in which direction you’re heading? However, if you don’t put in place specific plans for how you will go about achieving these goals, chances are you may never reach them. Or, even … Read More

communication consultancy that specialises in content strategies, copywriting and information design

Do you have a thinking partner? Do you need one?

We all get into situations where we struggle to see the wood for the trees. We don’t have a clear perspective on what may be a sticky problem, or perhaps we just cannot find the impetus to change a certain dynamic that tends to repeat itself. We’re simply too involved and immersed in our situation … Read More

Gender-neutral writing: Fostering inclusivity and equality

Gender-neutral writing: Fostering inclusivity and equality

Gender-neutral writing challenges traditional linguistic norms by addressing the biases embedded in language. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of using gender-neutral language to promote inclusivity and equality. Why is gender-neutral writing important? Practical tips for gender-neutral writing 1. Use gender-neutral pronouns Replace gender-specific pronouns like “he” or “she” … Read More

Profile your target audience to create tailored content

Let’s say you work as a data scientist at a university, or at a company that develops medical technology. You’re invited to a dinner party where you meet new people. As is usually the case when we make new acquaintances, one of the first things they ask you is what you do for a living. … Read More

How to use active and passive voice effectively

Your use of active and passive voice in your content can have a significant impact on the clarity and effectiveness of your message. It’s therefore important to understand the different purposes and nuances so that you can use these constructions effectively. What’s the difference between active and passive voice? The key difference between active and … Read More

Referencing in academic texts: Know your style(s)

In academic writing, accurate referencing is crucial to acknowledge the sources of information and ideas that you used in your research. Internationally, there are several commonly used referencing styles, each with their own rules regarding citation order, in-text citations, bibliography entries and more. Which one you use will depend on numerous factors, such as your … Read More

communication consultancy that specialises in content strategies, copywriting and editing, information design, as well as connection training

Are you fluent in the right languages?

In this fascinating article, American college student Timothy Doner explains why (and how) he set about learning 20 different tongues over the course of seven years. Doner is widely referred to in the media as “the world’s youngest hyperpolyglot” – a speaker of many languages. Written in 2015, when the author was just twenty, Doner … Read More

communication consultancy that specialises in content strategies, copywriting and information design

How to make your communication short and sweet but loud and clear

It’s interesting how formal written documents often are. It’s as if organisations think they will only be taken seriously if they use highfalutin and complicated language. Highfalutin <informal language>: pompous, pretentious, trying to impress Most people don’t do it when they speak. Probably because they notice the frown on the forehead or the glazed look … Read More